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Everyone is happy that college football is back, but one bettor was a little happier than most on Monday night after the Louisville-Ole Miss game went final.
A customer placed a $10 14-leg parlay on Aug. 24 at a WynnBet online sportsbook. All of the legs were Unders on Week 0 or Week 1 college football totals, beginning with the Under 62.5 in the UConn-Fresno State game on Saturday, Aug. 28. Fresno State won 45-0 and the game did indeed stay Under.
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Twelve legs later, the bettor was sitting on a parlay that would pay out + 799357 if the Louisville-Ole Miss game stayed Under the high total of 75.5.
At halftime, the score was 26-0 Ole Miss and the game -- and total -- was seemingly in hand. But a high-scoring second half made the bettor sweat until the final minutes when Ole Miss converted a fourth down and then knelt out the clock.
Ole Miss won the game 43-24 and the bettor -- who reportedly did not hedge his bet at WynnBet -- was able to cash the improbable parlay.
What a start to the college football season.